Email From Viewers
The following were written to
James Ronald Whitney
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I watched your movie "Telling Nicholas" last night on HBO. I guess the reality of 9/11 hadn't really hit me yet. I'm not sure if I was in denial or what, but seeing how much pain Nicholas's and Shabbir's family were in made it hit hard. I have 3 beautiful children (ages 6 and 2 year old twins) and can't imagine in my wildest nightmares having to tell them that something had happened to their father and vice versa. I have seen many stories on 9/11, but none of them had captured the emotional side of losing a loved one as you did in you film. Thank you very much and I only hope that I will one day be able to explain the evil and horrible happenings of that day to my children. God bless.
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My wife and I sat in our NJ home last evening (9/09/02) and viewed your film "Telling Nicholas" I felt compelled to write and tell you how much your film touched me. Until 3 weeks ago I worked at a company in lower Manhattan, thankfully I was in NJ on the morning of the 11th for training (which was originally scheduled to take place at the Marriott inside the World Trade Center).
Before 9/11 my commute to Down Town via the Weehawken ferry would include a picturesque and serene break between driving and the walk up Wall St to Broadway. After the offices south of ground zero were declared safe to re-enter I headed back to work (roughly 2 weeks later). I don't have to tell you what the atmosphere was in lower Manhattan during the weeks following 9/11. In spite of it all we pushed on, each day we'd board the ferry boat and head toward downtown past the still smoldering ruins of the World Trade. Fliers were posted everywhere on the NJ and NY ferry terminals some read like classified ads others contained more personal pleas for information and the return for love ones. One particular flier simply read "Please find my Daddy" and it had a picture of a Hispanic male holding a newborn baby boy (not much younger then my son who was born in April of 2001), and a phone number. I do not know how many times I would stand there waiting for the boat and just stare at that photo and imagine what the impact on my family would have been had it not been for a simple twist of fate. I'd wonder how are these families who have suffered the ultimate loss copping?
For a long time I suppressed a lot of emotions and still don't really believe something like this has happened in my lifetime. It has taken me the better part of a year to wrap my head around this thing and it is still so difficult to not dwell. I pray for the return of the ignorant bliss of 9/10/01 my greatest concern was if the Yankees/Sox game was going to be rained out.
Your film helped me deal with the wide array of emotions that I had never fully expressed or even realized I was feeling. "Telling Nicholas" servers as a reminder to us all that life is to be cherished and as Shabirr's brother reminds us to always say "I love you" to your family because you never know if that is the last time you'll see them. My family and I would like to express our deepest condolences for your personal losses and thank you for your courageous depiction of the events and aftermath of September 11, 2001.
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I just wanted to tell you that I saw your documentary on HBO last night & found it very touching and well done. Nicholas looks and acts just like my neighbor kid and then it struck me that he's everyone's neighbor. It also struck me that maybe if we could somehow replace one of the terrorists training videotapes with a videotape of your film, then maybe they would have a change of heart. But probably not - I'm sure that when you reach that level of hatred for your fellow human beings that you also lose any emotion and compassion you may have once had in your life.
I'm wondering if you have put any thought into the possibility of developing a teaching/learning packet about the film and making it available to educators for use in the high school classroom? Although this wasn't my intention in sending the email, it just struck me that the film could be used as an excellent source of class discussion and debate and may help future generations (of not just Americans) see the widespread emotional damage caused by such events. Also, I would love to see a follow-up to the film at some point in the future.
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I am a doctoral student in Clinical Psychology, and I have a great interest in studying the grieving process. Specifically how grief is encountered as the result of traumatic stress. I saw most of the rebroadcast of telling nicholas on HBO on the 10th of september. I would like to use a clip of the film during a presentation on the grieving experience. I would like to know if there is any sort of copyright infringement that I should know about, and where I could get a copy of the film. This film is a startling journey into the very real emotions of the grieving, and something that could be invaluable as a teaching tool for those of us training to help those who are sadly experiencing such tragedy. This film has brought me closer to the reality of my study, and I want to share that with my cohort.
Thank You for making this film.
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I watched "Telling Nicholas" last night. A magnificent effort. Really sent powerful messages. Outstanding work, the best I've seen on
9/11. Released in May, it was timed perfectly with the nationÌs grieving process. The choice of a Muslim family to profile against MicheleÌs was masterful, yet subtle.
James, I knew Gabriela, Michele and Scott through business. I worked in the Trade center for 15 years and I lived in Gateway Plaza. I even know Lina (though I've lost her over the years). Your film personalized the tragedy for me. It was as though you had interviewed me for references!
Are you planning to make copies available to the public? If I had this one piece, I could close my trove and feel that my memorial collection is complete.
Thank you and God Bless you for this wonderful work.
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Just a note to tell you how moved I was while watching "Telling Nicholas". This is the second time I've watched your film and it was done with compassion, and a nonjudgmental approach. I wanted to let you know what a beautiful piece of filmmaking this project is and how much it is appreciated by a viewer.
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I have never written to anyone at anytime to praise their work, their art. After watching your film last night as part of my dealing with this 1st anniversary, I spent a lot of the time on the Internet finding a way to contact you and thanking you for sharing this wonderful movie. So many things to think about.....but I feel that after a year of being a Native New Yorker away from home and trying to stuff all my feelings about this tragedy, I was finally able to let go while watching this movie. I really needed to thank you as personally as I could....and please thank your staff and the families who allowed me into their lives. I won't forget them.
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Thank you. This beautiful film stands apart from all other coverage on this tragedy because it looks at the impact on the children. Too many children lost a mother or father on 09/11; the thought of their sadness is unbearable.
For those of us who were fortunate not to lose anyone we loved on 09/11 we could only imagine the pain these families were enduring. Seeing this through the eyes of a child made it all too real.
As a mother, I wanted to hold Nicholas and tell him that his Mom loved him and would always be with him; to somehow take away his pain.
He made me smile through my tears, and I was amazed at his courage and strength. Crying one moment, then asking to go to the dollar store, thinking that if he prayed enough Jesus could bring his mother back.
I cried all last evening, and I am still crying. I am crying for Michele, who will not see her sons' smile or hear his laughter. I am crying for Nicholas who may never really understand why this happened, because there is no answer that could make sense of all of this.
I pray that Nicholas has a happy, healthy life.
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I want you to know how moving this story was to me. My family to lost a friend on that dreadful day. As I watch your documentary, I realized the sorrow of those two family's. I asked my self how I would tell my grandchildren and deal if my child had died. Mr. Lanza had a big job and he did it very well. no matter what I know he will be a good dad. my prays and heart go out to them all. I now also say I love you a lot more . As I tell son and his wife life is toðshort to fight, love as much and deeply as you can. For tomorrow may not come for some of us. May GOD be with everyone.
Three families
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Your film was so moving. I know you have to have gotten 1000000 emails telling you but i had to try to take a chance to tell you again! I loved the film, the way it was shot, the reality down to the song at the end... I loved it!
Its now 9/11/2002.. 150am and I live in NJ. Its ben a year and I've seen your movie 2 or 3 times. Last night I saw it again, and I am still brought to tears! I wish you continued success with your work ! Keep the film rolling ! Any chance film be released on video? Any chance getting copy of song also at end? please let me know Thanks
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I am a huge fan of documentaries and I've seen many in my 56 years.
Telling Nicholas was, without a doubt, the best. It was difficult to
watch but also riveting. I especially liked that your camera was never intrusive. Also it was brilliant to tell the Ahmed family story at the same time.
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I saw "Telling Nicholas" on HBO a few days before 9/11/02. Wow. My name is Aaron and I live in Columbus,OH. From here in Ohio we were,of course, very affected by September 11, 2001. But still from so far away everything seemed sureal and impersonal. Sure it was horrible and we all just sat around the office stunned, but it was hard to grasp what was really happening.
Your film showed me just how terrible it was. Unfortunately there are many, many more Nicholas' and Thambirs. Your film showed the tragedy on such a personal level. Your film showed the real horrors and pain. Still, out of that awful day two kids found each other and that was great. On a separate level the movie was great because it showed the drama of every day family life and that all of us have some kooky relative. Great stuff. Very powerful. Thanks for bringing it down to such a personal level.
I feel worst for the grandparents. Not only did they lose their daughter, but then their last tie to her, Nicholas, moved away. You're think the dad would move up there instead of back to Virginia, but I'm not in his shoes.
Anyway, my main questions is: How are Nicholas and Thambir now, one year after 9-11?
Take care and thanks again,
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I would love to buy a copy of the documentary. I do not get HBO but I saw a short clip on Oprah yesterday. What I saw brought me to my knees, tore out my heart and left me with tears streaming down my face. I have a young son and I can't imagine my husband having to tell him that his mommy is never coming home.
I would like to know where to purchase the video and the cost. Any information you can provide me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
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I was stranded in the Canadian bush on a television shoot for a hunting show on TNN, and missed all the coverage of 9/11 last year. Because I hadn't seen the images, I was somewhat desensitized to the whole tragedy.
Not until I watched your program the other night was I able to grieve for those that lost so much.
Thank You.
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I just watched "Telling Nicholas" (again) on HBO. I can't find the words to describe how wonderful and sad that documentary is; it leaves a tightness in your chest that just doesn't go away. This time, I took the time to read the credits and thought I would send an email to applaud your work on such a delicate matter.

I live in Alabama but visit New York about once a year as I have a friend who lives in Morristown, NJ. Everyone I know here loves to visit the city, but I will tell you, there are just a few who have gone after September 11th. I came up for Thanksgiving and left with the best feeling of my life. The spirit and camraderie on the streets was so heart warming. I was so glad I went because it let me show my support to everyone there.

The saddest moment was visiting the fire station in the Theatre district, Engine 54, Ladder 4. Those guys were always standing out on the street and were so friendly to all the tourists. We loved to flirt with them (Southern women and NY men in uniform, Wow). I had to go there because I had to know if any of them were gone, and approaching the block you knew it was bad. All the corners of the block were covered in letters and memorials. I think they lost 8 guys..

We love New York, and everyone around the world grieves for Nicholas Lanza, Lisa Beamer, Maura Coglin, Tim Higgins' family, Beth Collier's family, Father Mike's family, Gabbie's family, and every face we see and every name and story we read about. They are not strangers to us though we have never met them.ð

We still cringe when we board a plane (I just flew into Logan last week). We cry when we see an American flag. We break inside when watch those poor policemen and firemen who made it out but didn't bring their friends out with them. I spent most of my time last Thanksgiving going up to the Policemen on the streets of New York patting them on the back or arm, and even giving them a hug. They were so great and appreciative. Can you believe it? I was approaching total strangers (NYPD in fact) and hugging them! And it was ok.

Anyway, even rambling. Thanks for the beautiful film. I know there is much debate on whether documentaries of this event are tasteful or not, but I think this is definitely one that everyone should see. I think it had to be difficult for Michelle's family to agree to this, but I hope you will let them know what an impact it has had. Their sharing of this intimate and sad point in their lives is so admirable. And your handling of the documentation of it was excellent.

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I just watched the last half of your film on HBO.  How terribly sad that was. I would love to be able to write Nicholas and give him some positive words of comfort and praise. Is there an email set up to send words of support and encouragement to this brave boy?

Thank you.
Best regards.
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My name is Doreen and I'm from Michigan. I watched "Telling Nicolas" at 7:30p and I can't even explain the hurt that I had in my heart for Nicolas. I have a son who is 7 years old and that movie was so heartwrenching! My son brought home a newspaper on September 11 of this year and it had all the victims names on it and there I found Michele B. Lanza. I circled it and thought to myself "she's the only one that I didn't know personally but knew of her because of Nicolas" I just want to thank you for showing us the documentary of Nicolas and Shabbir. Thier ALL in our hearts!
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I would like to send Nicholas a letter of comfort; I was very touched by the show and openly cried for the first time in 9 years.  How can I get in touch with Nicholas and let him know that the entire country shares his grief.

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I am a grief and crisis counselor with a large hospice in florida, and I feel that this film is such an amazing accomplishment, in its depiction of the aftermath of traumatic death, that it needs to be seen by anyone who is in the death and dying field and would love to share it with my colleagues.
Please let me know if it is possible for me to purchase a copy of this film, and how I would go about doing this.........thank you......
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Thank you for adding my previous message to your website.
I check the site occasionally for more updates on Nicholas (thank you for this) and have seen many e-mails asking if your film will ever be available for purchase. I would love to see this on DVD, so that I will be able to show my children, and some day my grandchildren what happened on 9/11. I think if they could experience it as firsthand as this film allows it will mean so much more than reading about it in history books.
If possible please respond with any plans to release this on DVD/video. I have told so many people about your film and they would love to see it.
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I have been holding onto watching this documentary only because I knew it would be hard to deal with feelings that Nicholas might vulnerably show.
I had no idea I would see the vulnerabilities of so many people affected by 9-11.
Thank you so much for showing in the lives of LIFE.
Right now we are at war. I am one who understands all sides of the spectrum. And I just pray and hope all who are affected by this war survive to make this world a more peaceful place.
We are a planet, full of different religious and non-religious faiths. Time will tell.
I come from a family of 12 Irish Catholics who are now divided and well adjusted in loving eachother for our differences.
My sisters and brothers are all their own with no true judgment against the other. One sister is a "psychic" medium. As many of us are in our own lives, just having a connection to the other side. But growing up Catholic we all have sense of spirituality no matter what. One of the family members in "Telling Nicholas" has the same beliefs.
What a very spiritual, meaning job, on bringing in the dynamics of death in such a tragedy. My brother Frankie was killed by a drunk driver at the age of 15. I was only 5 yrs old. But to see where life moved through and beyond for my family has made me see life the same way. Through and beyond.
I hope Nicholas is doing ok as is the whole family. I hope you have found a new home to find safety in.
Thank you for allowing me the history of 9-11 and past.
Bless you.
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My name is Lynne and I am from Ohio, just a small town that not many people have ever heard of. I am a single mom of a wonderful three year old little girl named Rhyann. Tonight I viewed your film Telling Nicholas and was very moved. I hope that you do not mind that I am emailing you, but I was truly moved by this film. You see I have the same kind of family structure that Nicholas has, I live across the street from my parents and we are very close. My daughter means the world to me, I releated so much to the feelings that his family was going through. I know that it has been almost two years now since that awful day, but I just wanted to let you know that it was a really good movie that truly told the awful feelings this whole country has been going through since we were so brutally attacked. I feel somewhat lucky that I live in a small farm town in Ohio were we never see any of the awful violence that New York faced that day. Thank you for listening, and I hugged my daughter a little tighter tonight and appreicated her so much more after seeing your film. Thank you so much
Lynne G, Wilmington, OH
Thank you for your film that I saw for the first time last night regarding one family's heartache. It really gives the rest of the world the real impact and envokes the sensitivity to those who have to go on without their loved ones due to insane acts of terrorism. I was also sorry to see you go through the progressive realization of those you also lost.

But you bravely showed and didn't edit the part about Michele's sister's visions, and for that I am very grateful. You see, for the first time have I ever heard anyone beside myself describe and have witnessed seeing the darker spirits, that she also saw, and described exactly as how I also saw them during my own personal tragedy before 9/11. I would really like to be able to speak with, or correspond with her, so that I can confirm what I saw myself, because no one believes me.

I know you have to protect this family, and rightly so. But if I could just write or get an email to her, or just a copy of the transcripts of what she described, or her thoughts on this matter, would be very helpful to me.

Please accept my apology if this is too intrusive and seems insensitive in any way. But your help would be gratefully appreciated. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.
I can only say Thank You...from the bottom of my heart.
"The best way out is always through." --Robert Frost
I watched the original premier of telling Nicholas, and I am watching it again right now, and I would just like to say that it is simply the best documentary I've ever seen. It is almost so powerful that I can't watch it. Even two years later, it brings me right back to that time and place. Thank you for documenting this tragedy so it will never be forgotten.
I wish I was poet or a brilliant writer to express how your film Telling Nicholas has touched me.
I am in complete awe of how I was so drawn in by you and your work. Thank you for sharing that with me, the world for that matter. Absolutely amazing.
I wasn't surprised of not being able to pull myself from the television as your story began to unfold, but the part that surprised me the most was that I started uncontrollably sobbing during the last moments of your film. Crying to the point of standing up, walking to my computer to find out who you were so I could tell you how you made me feel. I found myself staring at your contact information and actually debated about calling the phone number. Then the phrase groupie/stalker came to mind and I refrained. Besides, I was a mess, you would not have been able to understand a word out of my mouth. So, luckily for you I will just send you an email. So I met friends out for a beer last night after and just found myself telling everyone that I came in contact with about your movie.
Besides telling all of my friends in the small town of Naples, FL where I live. There is a website called oddtodd where I am a regular on the message board, and I mentioned it here. Its the least I could too.
Take care, and I hope this email finds you well. Thanks again.
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    © 2001-02 James Ronald Whitney
See the Web sites for the director's other films: Just, Melvin: Just Evil, and Games People Play
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